Contact Details

St Peter's

CE Primary Academy

Strive Beyond; Defy Limits


  • Parental Workshops - Term 1 and 2 (First Glance)

    Tue 18 Sep 2018 Mr. Martindale

    Staff at St. Peter’s firmly believe that the emotional well-being and academic performance of your child is best served by exceptional home-school links. As part of our commitment to engage parents in school life and learning, the following workshops have already been planned:




    Year Group/Venue

    18.9. 2018 3pm

    Tea and Chat

    All year groups /Classrooms

    20.9.2018 3pm

    Tea and Chat

    All year groups /Classrooms

    1.10.2018 6pm

    Prospective Year R parent’s evening


    16.10.2018 8am OR 4pm

    Phonics Workshop

    EYFS/Little Durnford

    16.10.2018 8am OR 4pm

    Reading Workshop

    Year 1, 2, 3 or 4/Grovely or Folly

    8.11.2018 5pm

    Maths Curriculum Workshop


    12.11.2018 6pm

    Prospective Year R parent’s evening



    More workshops and parental engagement opportunities (such as sharing the children’s work and parent’s evenings) will be planned and shared with you through the online calendar and our monthly newsletter, as will further detail of the above events. This is just a ‘first-glance.’

  • Prospective Parents Open Evenings - 1st October 2018 and 12th November 2018

    Fri 14 Sep 2018 Mr. Martindale

    Dear Parents/Carers,


    With the application window for school places wide open, the staff at St. Peter’s would like to invite prospective parents of children entering Reception Class in September 2019 to either one of two open evenings, which will take place in our school hall at 6pm on each of the above dates.


    Miss Murphy (our EYFS teacher) and I will spend time talking about the Early Years curriculum at St. Peter’s, logistics of school life, our expectations for home learning and, most importantly, how we ensure a smooth transition for your child into life at primary school. There will also be an opportunity to visit the Early Years Classroom; take a tour of our school and ask questions.


    For those of you driving to the event, please be aware that our nursery will be in operation until 6pm. We invite you to park in any available space between the main gate and the disabled parking spots but all other spaces should be reserved for parents picking up from nursery. Entry to the school hall will be clearly marked regardless of where you enter the school site. For in-year applications, please contact the school office separately.


    Yours faithfully,


    Mr. Martindale
